Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Old Stuff

well, we finally have got some of our equipment listed on the website (www.torreycanyon.net). it's a list of some of our cooler pre-amps first.

and that brings me to today's topic, old stuff. a great deal of our equipment at the studio is 30 years old and older. so, the internet has been an invaluable resource for finding out info about a lot of this stuff. in fact, thanks to newsgroups and forums, you can even talk to the people who worked with this stuff back in the day!

anyway, while reading things and in some instances, actually talking to these 'old-timers,' we have been struck by how dismissive they were of most of this old equipment. and that struck me because i've seen this tendency from other people of the pre-baby boomer generations. my parents have been antique collectors and dealers for over 30 years and they too have run cross this dismissive attitude towards 'old stuff.' well, we've come up with a generalized opinion that that is because they lived through the full-bloom of the 'space age,'so they were conditioned to get rid of the old and celebrate the new. now, all generations suffer from this to varying degress but it is most pronounced in the 'greatest generation,'IMHO...

so anyway, that my dime store psych study for today, kiddies! and yes, i maybe completely full of shite...

oh, the one thing that always seems to come up when talking to old-timers about this equipment is how come those records they made with this 'crap' sounded GREAT?? i get different answers to this one, as you might imagine...oh yeah, and my favorite dismissive comment about a piece of gear was a guy describing an EQ as 'the ringy type liked by people who read Tape Op.' haha! i loved that one...