Monday, October 31, 2005

Wingnut judges and new studio stuff

ok, check this out about Bush's new supreme court nominee.

this is from the CNN site and the great blog,

"In Doe v. Groody, Alito agued that police officers had not violated constitutional rights when they strip searched a mother and her ten-year-old daughter while carrying out a search warrant that authorized only the search of a man and his home."

isn't that great? i can't wait for more of the republican's vision for america. how 'bout you?? please learn more about this guy and tell your friends, famliy and neighbors so they'll learn about what this white house and their wingnut friends are doing!!

on the plus side, we've bought a new pre amp for the studio. it's a early 70's vintage mic pre/eq made by audix. audix was a company formed by ex-neve employees in the late 60's. the designs were VERY neve-like. so this is a great new 'color' for us to add to our projects! if you don't know who neve were, well, they are about the most respected and used gear label in the audio world.

we've had people asking for pics of the studio and such and were working on that but it'll be a little while as we are doing some remodeling to the control room. but soon we'll have some shots!!

Friday, October 28, 2005

Random Stuff

wow, the vice-prez's chief of staff just got indicted on 5 counts and has resigned! woohoo!!!

i guess rove is still in trouble, too...

and dig this from a fox news(!) poll: Of those that say they voted for Bush in the election, 86 percent say they would still vote for him today and 6 percent would switch their vote to Democratic challenger Sen. John Kerry .

that means, of course, that kerry would've won quite easily...

but i think this might turn out for the best, though it's hard to say that when 2,000 u.s. soldiers and countless iraqi citizens have been killed...

staying on the downer tip, i was reading Uncut ( last night and it had a big cover story about the murder of john lennon. and in the article they had many musicians' memories of that fateful day. it's amazing how many of them said they cried. i was 12 then and i remember the night very vividly. my father was a HUGE beatles fan and i grew up hearing them and believing them, esp. john, to be heroes. my dad just listened to his music on WMMS all night. even at 12, i remember thinking the world had changed. i also remember how excited my dad was about 'double fantasy' coming out and how john was back in the charts and radio. it boggles the mind to think about the beatles and their impact...sorry i don't have anything profound to say. i think it would probably come off as trite, anyway...

TGIF!!!! hehehe...



Thursday, October 27, 2005

Oblique Strategies

here's a cool link to you MAC users out there.

it's a freeware program of all of brian eno's 'oblique strategies' card decks. an ingenious idea, really!

if you don't know about these cards, they were designed to be used by a musician or producer when they've reached a deadspot during recording or mixing, etc. so, to jumpstart the session again, one would pick a card out the deck and follow the 'strategy' written on it. it's really great but in my experience, most artists/producers don't usually have the guts to follow the first card they choose! hehehe...

but either way it can be a really good little tool to use around the studio.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Welcome to our silly blog!!

hi folks,

this is the blog of the studio we like to call the endless summer institute of sound. we're a personal studio in lovely kent, oh. if you're here and reading this, you probably know us anyway, so let's move on...

this picture is of our lastest addition to the studio, a early 70's vintage helios mic pre/eq module. these babies are rare. helios was the name of a console company started by dick swettenham who worked at abbey road, then built a console for olympic studios (rolling stones, beatles, hendrix, etc) and then started to build consoles for other UK studios and then started to branch out the the U.S. each console was custom built!

for more of the helios story go to:

so, anyway, we're so thrilled to add this 'weapon' to our already pretty damn good arsenal of vintage gear. we'll start talking about our other gear and post pics here too in the next few weeks. jason, my partner in the studio, will also post here as well. this blog will be mainly about what's goin' on at the studio but might also be about music, politics, etc. we hope you enjoy it...

