Friday, October 28, 2005

Random Stuff

wow, the vice-prez's chief of staff just got indicted on 5 counts and has resigned! woohoo!!!

i guess rove is still in trouble, too...

and dig this from a fox news(!) poll: Of those that say they voted for Bush in the election, 86 percent say they would still vote for him today and 6 percent would switch their vote to Democratic challenger Sen. John Kerry .

that means, of course, that kerry would've won quite easily...

but i think this might turn out for the best, though it's hard to say that when 2,000 u.s. soldiers and countless iraqi citizens have been killed...

staying on the downer tip, i was reading Uncut ( last night and it had a big cover story about the murder of john lennon. and in the article they had many musicians' memories of that fateful day. it's amazing how many of them said they cried. i was 12 then and i remember the night very vividly. my father was a HUGE beatles fan and i grew up hearing them and believing them, esp. john, to be heroes. my dad just listened to his music on WMMS all night. even at 12, i remember thinking the world had changed. i also remember how excited my dad was about 'double fantasy' coming out and how john was back in the charts and radio. it boggles the mind to think about the beatles and their impact...sorry i don't have anything profound to say. i think it would probably come off as trite, anyway...

TGIF!!!! hehehe...



1 comment:

kjcoral said...

is that craig? yes, that's your wailing back there! hehehe...