Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Why i hate the music biz, chapter 742

oh, good god! why, oh, why does the music biz suck soooo badly? look at this story at the huffington post!!

so, the record companies don't have any production costs, except the cost of recording the album- and let's remember that on 'greatest hits' collections there is absolutely NO cost- and now they want to charge as much as they do for cd?? oh, how i wish the indies and itunes would get together and have albums for $9.99 and itunes will just tell the majors to go to hell! then the majors would all go to their own download systems and charge more per album and they would fail miserably! we must destroy this system/paradigm. it screws the artist and it screws the consumer and smarter people than i need to come up with a new model and put these bastards out of buisness...and the record co.'s wonder why people do something wrong like download music! when they do wrong to both artists and consumers. and yeah, sure, 2 (or 3) wrongs don't make a right but damn, i can understand while people do it!

working in the studio today some more on the john howard album. i really hope this record comes out soon and gets some good distribution because john's songs are great and people who've heard the rough mixes, including john himself, have been really over-the-top in their praise. and, since i'm not feeling humble today, i'll say that it's my best production overall; if for no other reason than the songs and arrangements are so varied...from glam rock (like bowie not like poison) to pure pop to electro-avant stuff... and i owe a lot to people like craig lisik, henry james and jason richardson for their help along the way of the recording of this album.

anyway back to work... oh yeah, i changed the settings so now you don't have to be a registered user to leave a commnet. so let the flaming begin!


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