Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Music with the seasons?

Now that cold weather has begun its rapid descent upon us here in Northeast Ohio, I've been thinking about how my music choices are affected by the weather, specifically the hunkering down for the dark, cold days of winter.

Some people probably load up on cheery music, the kind of bright, summery sounds that remind you of warm times and being outdoors. Everybody's got their own favorites, but classics like the Beach Boys and even newer pop stuff like Jack Johnson, Ben Harper, or Archer Prewitt just screams summertime to me.

For whatever reason though, I go the opposite route. I go with the winter, embracing the darker, mysterious, dense sounds. I put away the Nonesuch music from Africa, Johnathan Rice, and anything bright and cheery. I dig out dense, dissonant stuff like Godspeed You Black Emperor, Low, or albums that are just melancholy like The Wind by Warren Zevon, the last thing he put out before his death. Why does darker music fit the days? I don't know, but it works for me.

What does everybody else listen to this time of year?

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