Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Deep Thoughts

man, i have GOT to have the lamest header's ever...

anyway, i have to say something about Gene Pitney who died last week. i wrote about how cool he was in a earlier post on this here blog, so i was really quite sad to hear of his passing. i was lucky enough to catch most of a show on XM that featured them playing all of the Gene Pitney Anthology with commentary and stories about the songs from Gene himself. the program originally aired back in August but they re-ran it on the occasion of his passing. it was great and it really struck me that while i dislike over-emoting in singers, i am sucker for really emotional singers like Gene who go just to the edge but never over it. he will be missed...

i was listening to the new Stereolab and Flaming Lips albums yesterday and i must say, on first blush, i'm pretty dissapointed in both of them. the Stereolab is almost by the numbers it seems, which is too bad as i have enjoyed the last couple of records. and the Flaming Lips just sounds...half-baked and i mean that in all ways, really.

it's finally been warm here the last few days. today it was almost 70 degrees! yay! it's about damn time. anyway, that means i can begin joggin again. i have been on a diet since the new year and have almost lost 30lbs so far. and yes, that means i look less like Brian Wilson at his mid-70's worst than ever before!

ok, well that's all for now. i am tired and i want to go to bed...hey! didn't Morrissey say that once???



Anonymous said...

I don't know that I've ever heard a Gene Pitney song. Our public radio DJ played some stuff the day he died, though I only caught it in passing.

I'm having a hard time with the new Flaming Lips as well. Their stuff always takes a while to sink in for me, so I'm being patient, but so far nothing's grabbed me the way some of the more striking songs on the last couple of records has. Still on the fence.


kjcoral said...

oh, michael, you gotta get some gene pitney!! his stuff is so great! and again, what guy can hang out with both the stones and bacharach as effortlessly cool as gene did??

and i will say that the 'lips record is a little better the next time around but for me, it's a record whose second half is much better than it's first.

Anonymous said...

Oh please Kevin. Get a clue. The new Flaming Lips AND the new Stereolab are light years better than anything by The Witch Hazel Sound AND Orange Cake Mix...PSYCHE!
Check out the new Her Space Holiday, its so good and its on V2 so it must have made at least $20,000.I guess pure garbage REALLY does sell more after all, Too bad they SUCK TOTALLY!

kjcoral said...
