Thursday, June 15, 2006

Once a month

well, i'm back. i've had a crappy month! ha! "what's new," you might be thinking? the worst part is that me and my wife and child all got *really* sick a few weeks ago. we got a really bad virus that knocked us essentially out of commission for a week. i still am not all the way back. i've gone to the doctor three times in the last month. not cool...

so, needless to say, this has pushed back my work. actually, april march and i are trying to figure out a time to ge together to do a song for a new french label but it's been impossible with me being sick and her busy schedule. i swear, it's hard to be a rock star when you have small kids! and she has two! but hopefully we can get together soon. i will give ya all the details when it happens, and hopefully have a few pics to share as well...

oh, yeah, i have put up a witch hazel sound myspace page. i had resisted for the longest time cuz it seemed so trendy and kiddie but it's actually kinda cool. i've been able to catch-up with some people i haven't talked to in years. anyway, go to the page and become our friend, if you wish!

i bought a new laptop with some tax return money so i can work on music in places *other* the studio. i'm hoping it will make me more effective in my work, since i can work most anywhere at any time.

i've been listening to some newer stuff lately that friends have burned for me or stuff i've found on the internet. i listened to the new shack and it ain't bad but not as good as some of their early stuff. my friend burned me the scott walker box set that came out a while ago and it's good but i don't think they did a great job of picking coulda been a lot better. i *have* but have not *listened* to the new scott walker disc but i have it. the reviews make it sound like it might be a tough go. i actually liked "tilt" and can't believe that came out over 10 years ago...sheesh...

i did like a record called "lucky dog recordings" by former tindersticks singer, stuart staples. it's very good and quite similar to the tindersticks, as you may've expected. i loved the tindersticks...

here's the records i didn't like: the new my morning jacket pretty much stunk, IMO. it sounded like another band...a rare john leckie production i didn't like...i didn't like the rilo kiley album either. wayyyyy too slick and she *clearly* thinks her lyrics are wonderful. this is so irritating to me and why i am a bit concerned about the new scott walker record because he talks about how the music is there to support the lyrics. and the rilo kiley feels the same way. i really hate should be a partnership with the music. sounds obvious but it ain't to some folks...the espers record ain't too bad for a nu-folk record but it ain't as interesting as the banhart record...that may be do the interesting production on the banhart record by thom monahan...i've only ever met thom once when he was in a band called monsterland, and i met them because they had the same lawyer as i did, mr. matthew kaplan. and he also produced the last chamber strings record. i hope to meet him one day...he's good...

speaking of the chamber strings, i talked to kevin via e-mail and he's still trying to get his living situation together and re-emphasized to me that he really wants me to produce the next record. i told him i wanted to and hoped we could get started on it as soon as possible. watch this space, as they say...

i've been missing having a band lately. i would like to have one again but i can't imagine finding people in this area who would be into what i'm into. maybe i'm being too pessimistic?

btw, i'm really into politics and i thought i might share with you those sites in the "blogosphere" that i frequent: dailykos, firedoglake, talking points memo, the huffington post, and hullaboo. those are the best, IMO...

well, i guess that's all for now. i'd tell you i'll write more but you wouldn't believe me anyway...


Anonymous said...

I love the new Scott Walker album. It's very much of a piece with Tilt, though actually a bit more accessible. (For Walker fans, that is - everybody else will be baffled.)

I like that new MMJ record. I like that they're trying new approaches and not allowing themselves to get mired in a Southern rock thing. My beef with MMJ is that they have what I call Joe Ely disease: as good as their records can be, they don't hold a candle to the band's live show. I saw MMJ at their Austin City Limits taping and they were amazing.

I have a recommendation for you: the Music Lovers. They have a record called The Words We Say Before We Sleep that I've fallen in love with. They're sort of loungey (which I usually hate), but the songs are just excellent.


Anonymous said...'re slackin' some more already! Jeebus!


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